Is the problem the card of the speakers?
(too old to reply)
Ricky Jimenez
2010-03-17 01:29:07 UTC
I notice that funny noises sometimes come out of my digital speakers,
even when the computer is off. But my biggest problem is that the
speaker volume often swells and dimishes for no reason. It is not in
the content and when I use my earphones, attached to the analog out of
my Sound Blaster, the sound is fine. So which is more likely the
culprit, the speakers or the sound card?
2010-03-18 16:25:02 UTC
Post by Ricky Jimenez
I notice that funny noises sometimes come out of my digital speakers,
even when the computer is off. But my biggest problem is that the
speaker volume often swells and dimishes for no reason. It is not in
the content and when I use my earphones, attached to the analog out of
my Sound Blaster, the sound is fine. So which is more likely the
culprit, the speakers or the sound card?

Your analysis should have pointed you to the same conclusion. :)

I've had a similar problem with two different sets of Klipsch speakers
(will never buy those again!). Even with the system turned off (which
effectively eliminates the sound card, but to completely satisfy your
curiosity, unplug the speakers from the soundcard and observe that you
still have the problem) there would be static noises coming from the
speakers, but mainly from the sub-woofer. My sound would also diminish
when the static was occurring. (The "swelling" is just the sound level
returning to normal.)
2010-04-18 12:52:21 UTC
i think there is a problem with the speaker.................

this problem also occurs to me....

and culprit was the speakers....

